ブルーのメッシュが入った銀髪に、右目は緑、左目は青のオッドアイ。 性格もサバサバしていてクールな印象だが、実は面倒見もよく優しい一面も。 歌やダンスが得意で、夢は世界一のスターになること。 ちなみに髪飾りは、電子の声をキャッチするサイバー猫耳。 誕生日:11月30日 星座:射手座 β Ver AvatarSample_3 ’s hair is silver with blue highlights, but her most prominent feature are her heterochromatic eyes: green on the right, blue on the left! She’s cool and energetic - at the same time, she’s also quite caring and kind. She’s very good at dancing and singing. She dreams of becoming a world-renowned star! Her cybercat ears are electronic voice catchers. Birthday: November 30th Sign: Sagittarius
VRoid Project

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2 years ago


by Dan
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Format: VRM 0.0
Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: YES/Sexual acts: YES/Corporate use: YES/Individual commercial use: YES - For-profit use (donations): YES/Modification: YES/Redistribution: YES/Attribution: Unnecessary