Fern Mayberry
/ 舞夜の模倣
【The credits are in the description. Terms of use are on the main page.】 舞夜的仿造物「芬・梅伯里」誕生於網谷製造所。不只她自己,她的名字也來自其他仿造物。 Fern Mayberry, the imitation of Maya, was born in Amiya Manufactory. Not only herself but also her name comes from other imitations.

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Literally, "copy" "cat". Note: Amiya Tadakiyo has updated this model; the latest version was released on February 3, 2025. Model and skin made by Kado: hub.vroid.com/en/users/76637545 Cat ears, necklace, and hairpin made by Darmangy: hub.vroid.com/en/users/94684782 Dress made by me.

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by C
by みや
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