


My name is マンゴーの火 Mangō no hi which is Japanese for mango fire Osaka I'm a Straight A's student of Osaka high and I am best friend with トランキぶどうの鍵 Toranki budō no kagi, I love nature, school, novel, origami, and of course Honey, I love honey so much that I even put my hand in a beehive and collect the honey. I hated meat and P.E. I was born in august 6 2004 in Osaka Japan, I live in a medium size apartment with my father マスライス Masuraisu, my Parents got a divorce because my mother was abusive to me because I have a rare birth defect with no effect. my mouth is gray not pink and red. the court give custody to my father because I got that Birth defect by damage DNA. because my grandfather got Radiation exposure. Thankfully, it didn't hurt him, but it messed his DNA and that Why I got a gray mouth. One day when I was at the park with my best friend since we me at Elementary school. I found a tree with some bees, so I climb up the tree to get the honey, and yes, I don't have a beekeeper outfit, but I did have a face mask, woman glove, and a glass jar. people though I was going to hurt myself, but I got stung so much that my body has an immunity to bee stings. but this time when I was collecting the honey, I saw five Asian giant hornets I freak out and yelling like crazy which Toranki budō no kagi was Confused. He thought that I love bugs and being around bugs. but I explain that a hornet's sting is worse than a bee sting. Before I even finish, A Poisonous snake call a Habu have biting me on the leg after I was biting, I feel dizzy. And then I vomit like crazy. And I was so dizzy, I fell off the tree. when woke up I was at the Hospital when I meet 英雄フッ素 Eiyū fusso, 血桃 な時期ChiMomo Najiki and かなごと キングキス Kana-goto Kingukisu? Eiyū and ChiMomo told me that Toranki have call the Ambulance. I share a room with Eiyū and we became friend and we watch anime and he Introduce me to ice cream. I never have ice cream before. I tried it and I love it. It was honey flavor though. after I recover Eiyū Introduce me to his girlfriend Kana-goto Kingukisu, and Introduce me to 餅魚 ライスデー Mochiuo raisudē and to 花が咲く シャワー Hanagasaku shawā's, I love my new friends and I even give then my honey. I'm planing to go to Law school and become a Lawyer just like my dad, it's so sweet that is so good.


bridgett13 しました
Jace Lindsay しました
バルーン しました
PastelStarCloud しました
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