/ Welcome School Uniform 2019
AvatarSample_D VRoid Studioの作例やメインビジュアルで活躍中の高校1年生。前下がりボブカットと、左髪に留めた「P」の形のヘアピンがトレードマーク。得意教科は体育で、苦手なのは数学。お姉ちゃんが作ってくれる甘い卵焼きが大好物。 桜田 史利矢くんは従兄弟。 AvatarSample_D appears as VRoid Studio’s main visual as a sample model. Her bob and hairpins styled in a P shape are her trademarks. She’s a first year high school student. Her strongest subject is PE and she’s weak in math. She loves the sweet tamagoyaki her older sister Shino makes for her. Sakurada Fumiriya is her cousin.
VRoid Project

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VRoid公式服テクスチャ『Welcome School Uniform 2019』を着たバージョンです。 テクスチャDLはこちらから: vroid.booth.pm/items/1305126
2 years ago
how do you change the way they stand and when someone likes it how do you change the pose?


by ma-s
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