
You still have lots more to work on.(まだまだだね) I just wanted to make it(なんとなく作りたくなった) イケメンを楽しむも良し、ギャグと楽しむも良し、スポコンとして楽しむも良しの優秀な作品


by Tovie
by がり
by kaki
Can you use this model?
If this is set to "YES", others can use this model according to the conditions of use set by its creator. Model data (VRM format) can be provided to other users, who can use it for various VR/AR platforms and other types of 3D content linked with VRoid Hub.
YES(download is not allowed)
Format: VRM 0.0
Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: YES/Sexual acts: YES/Corporate use: NO/Individual commercial use: NO/Modification: NO/Redistribution: NO/Attribution: Unnecessary