The form Skadi metamorphosed into, a cybernetic machine that nearly lost her will thanks tot he machination of someone that despised Sirens like her. Only though the efforts of certain allies was her mind spared from following her body. Owning to a Siren's gigantic size, and the elimination of the need to breath or consume nutrients, this form had ended up being very sutable for interstellar travel, and as a result Skadi had willingly taken up a job as the Estoile's one and only Siren-class starship, both to find any survivors of her her long-lost kin and to make the most of her new form.
One of two models I made for a character that had been transformed into a machine. Like the Solfege, this character and model are not meant for Vtubing activities.
All assets used are either default or third party, with with only the skin texture being altered to account for a more machine-like skin tone, and the hairstyle being altered to avoid clipping. As such I do not claim ownership to these assets in anyway shape or form.