Madelyn Rose
/ Madelyn Rose
Weapons: M79 Grenade Launcher




Madelyn Rose is a companion of Yapaat Marichate and Tiru Makita and the sole survivor of the Raccoon City Outbreak. She is known to be arrogant, sassy, girlie, spiteful, and whiney. Madelyn is basically the definition of annoyance, as she often complains non-stop despite of the situation. She was also a bully to her little foster brother Maero Makita. After her mother's death from the hands of her own father Dwight Rose, an abusive father towards Maero, she mourned for a bit but let's go of it easily as she wants to do something fun. Her new boyfriend took her to a deserted location known as Raccoon City, now infested with zombies. Believing it to be nothing more than a myth, they arrived there and partied in the streets until zombies appear. She and her boyfriend were the only survivors, as the rest were immediately eaten alive or transformed into one as well. After they split out of fear, going in their separate ways and not noticing it, Madelyn is first seen inside of the police department in the chief's office. Tiru came back to check up on the chief when she suddenly noticed that he was now gone. Madelyn was also seen running from a zombie, which happened to be her "bestie", and Tiru shouted to get down. Madelyn obliged and Tiru exploded her best friends head, killing her instantly. Madelyn then angrily bombarded her with questions, demanding for answers. Tiru tried to explain, but Madelyn is too loud in the head to listen, and Tiru had to shout at her to stop. Madelyn calmed down a bit and began to explain everything that transpired in her situation and the only people that survived that horde was Madelyn herself and her boyfriend Watake Zenkichi. Tiru convinced Madelyn to be part of her group and gave her an M79 Grenade Launcher and some ammo for the weapon: fire grenades and acid grenades. This was perfect for her since she did practice with a weapon such as the one she's carrying, having full knowledge of crafting ammo too. That was before her mother was murdered way earlier, when she asked her father if she can learn how to use one, which he happily obliged. After her mother's death and how Maero stood up for his foster family, Madelyn's courage rose higher than ever, and became more selfless as time went on. Though she does have her snarky, girlie, and sarcastic attitude, she still has comical and goofy moments and manages to walk through the sunset with her 14 companions, one of which was her reunited boyfriend Watake and grown to love each other. Currently, she is living with her father again and her family, now with a more kinder side but still a bit arrogant and irritating to behold.


Angel Dracko しました
XanderStar110 しました
Donkey しました
Unknown User しました
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