GUMI from Megpoid
/ VOCAlight94 Version
NOTE: Some details presented in this 3D preview are not accurate to the final MMD model shown in the thumbnails and linked video showcase. Here's my personal take on GUMI, a SynthesizerV Voice Bank made by Internet Co and AH-Software.




UPDATED 2/25/2024: This model was admittedly a bit of a rush job, because of that I missed a mistake in one of the textures. Here's the fixed version! When one of my all time favorite voice banks got ported to SynthV, I knew I had to get her. So, here we are, back with my model project a whole lot sooner than I though I we would be. To recap anyone who doesn't know about this project, I decided to make VRoid/MMD models for all my vocal synths that I currently use. Due to the limitations of VRoid, as well wanting them all to look like a cohesive unit, I decided against copying their original designs and opted to make essentially simple Idol Unit Outfits with elements of their original design mixed in. So, here's my take on GUMI! Initially she ended up looking a little too much like her original design, to the point where she really didn't match the other models because of how many extra details I gave her, as well as how I used some of the color placements, so I sort of redid everything and this was the end result. Overall I really like how she came out! Though I will say this, when I made my version of Teto, I made it a point to ONLY reference her SynthV design, yeah... that didn't happen here. Don't get me wrong, I really like Nou's V6/SynthV design, I'm just so used to the Mamama models of her V2/V3 that some of those details sort of slipped in unconsciously. Specifically with her hair, and goggle-headphone set. The model just didn't read “GUMI” to me without her hair being super short and choppy in the back, and when I tried having the goggles just sit on her head without any visible strap it looked really awkward. So, I added the strap that connects to the headphones like in her previous designs, shortened up her hair and layered it all over the place. Color wise though, I only pulled from her V6/SynthV design, down to her new blue eyes and everything so hopefully despite some of the older aspects being here she still reads as her SynthV version. As for what I changed between this 3D preview and the MMD version of the model, I added the sphere from her goggles to the headphones and straps that I made with the hair tool so that it would look like a single item. I also moved some vertices around on the side of the tie knot that I used to emulate the gem so it would look more like a gem. GUMI from Megpoid is a Voice Bank made by Internet Co and AH-Software for the program SynthesizerV by Dreamtonics. This is not my original character and just an interpretation of her I made for personal use.


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