Demolishers are destructive units that focus heavily on offense and critical damage as well as side effects (bloodloss, poison, frost, death, hail, scarlet rot, etc.). Thus, rarely any defense is made for them and vulnerable to both physical and magical attacks if some defense is build up.




Pele is the Polynesian Goddess of Volcanoes, Lightning, the Hula, and Creation. She is known to be destructive, hot-headed, ruthless, a mother figure, considerate, picky, impatient, outgoing, cheerful, petty, goofy, comical, and loving. Pele, also known respectively as Madame Pele or Tutu Pele, has been known for her mother charisma and destructive behavior and will immediately resort to violence should she become offended. She is well respected among locals and highly considered. Despite her hot-temper, pun intended, she is very friendly and outgoing, expressing positive behavior and attitude and is very humbled thanks to her stories from battling powerful Polynesian deities. She is also very considerate and does take full knowledge of her actions and regretting it from time to time, showing both empathy and compassion. When Ashtyn Ketchup, a former pokemon trainer who got his license as a pokemon trainer revoked and now Gatekeeper, demands her key so that he can win battles. This greatly offended her, but she took a rather more different approach. Instead of killing him, she simply kicked him hard to the point that Ashtyn is sent flying to the air and crashing on the ground. The second attempt is when Ashtyn commands her again to give up her key to him. This time, he was with Victoria Mars, the main protagonist, and company. Victoria reasons with Ashtyn's situation, yet even so she still refuses. At first. Pele noticed Ashtyn looking at the ocean and down on the floor, trembling and ready to break into tears. It then clicked. After Ashtyn's license was revoked, he developed suicidal thoughts and had began to even cut himself with knives. Seeing that she's already fond with him and curious about him, she accepts Victoria's plea. To this day, Pele has never regretted her decision ever since she became one of Ashtyn's units, fighting along his side with his companions and bringing comedic relief even in blight situations. Gatekeeper: Ashtyn Ketchup




Jason Russo しました
AlessioGamer98 しました
darth-brando しました
eubrunno rafael しました
Donkey しました
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