/ Koi - Pride 2022
Their Name is Koi and they use They/Them and He/His pronouns. They were build to be the team manager of the marketing team of KaitoSai Technology, the company that builds ASAIS. Despite their young appearance they have senior competence in their field. They are online a lot as part of their job. Koi has chosen to refer to themself as nonbinary and primarily use they/them pronouns, but also keeping the original assigned he/his pronouns. They have a sweet personality but can be quite energetic. Socially they dont have it hard to make friends, but a bit harder to maintain the friendships.

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Koi dressed up for Pride 2022 Do you like it? If you do, here is a full list of free assets you can find (i can only properly link 5 here) The Outfit: Pride Patches: kaitosai.booth.pm/items/3913906 Face Stamps: kaitosai.booth.pm/items/3909626 Shorts: 404dotexe.booth.pm/items/3428911 Shoes: kaitosai.booth.pm/items/3475137 Jacket: No release date available The Character: Body Skin: kaitosai.booth.pm/items/3725335 Irises: kaitosai.booth.pm/items/3923849 Scleras: kaitosai.booth.pm/items/3923846 Nose: kaitosai.booth.pm/items/3651508

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by e.t
by Hyper
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