Link Download model: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d7FdTiWzH_OsOosLGTsko3xq1Go89FF-?usp=drive_link File Type blender.
its me jin! and back with some thing new
about the mech/tank:
SSVT-01 _SisSeleVoT's((sistema Mnogotselevoy Boyevoy Tank) Multi Role Battle Tank, theme Soviet. is a 4 leg mech/tank with 2 arm equip with 57mm Auto Cannon, kpv 14,5 Coax MG, 4 ATGM khrizantema, anti magnetic weapon on left arm, 4 active APS 2 front and 2 back, equip with KH-V Surface to surface missile, full texture, and simpel enggine detail and interior, one man pilot, Fully ring. Model it self base heavly From just cause 3 MECH.
Back ground mech:
SSVT experimental early mech, build number 01 with weight about 80~120 ton. extrem protection and manuver. build by warbuja.company deploy in many war but mostly use for base invade, magnetic godem(the left arm weapon) an experimental anti magnetic/gravity and use magnetic force to maximum destruction. (can it lift object like just cause 3?, no, this one purposely made for destruction)
Model is free to download. use it freely and as much you wan, only vaible blend format