



Gabriel or IltemptationlI is 3rd secondary character buddy of agent and he is a demon cyborg. His abilites: Geokinesis: Ability to control and manipulate earth, rocks, and minerals, shaping them for offense or defense. Magnetism: Can control magnetic fields, manipulating metal objects or even generating magnetic forces for combat. Purple Electrokinesis: Ability to generate and manipulate electricity, with a distinctive purple energy, allowing for attacks, propulsion, or disruption of electrical systems. Exceptional Strength and Durability: Enhanced physical power and resistance, capable of enduring extreme forces and damage due to his cyborg nature. X-ray Vision: Ability to see through solid objects, often used for detecting hidden structures or enemies. Laser and Thermal Vision: Can shoot focused laser beams and use thermal vision to detect heat signatures, adding versatility in combat. Cyborg and Demon Perception: Heightened senses, mixing the mechanical and supernatural, allowing Gabriel to perceive things beyond the ordinary human limits. Flying like Iron Man: With advanced robotic technology, Gabriel can fly using thrusters or repulsor technology built into his body. Robotic Weapons and Technology: Enhanced with weapons like guns, blades, and various other technology-based armaments that he can deploy at will. Explosions and Missiles: His cyborg components allow for the release of explosive attacks, including missiles for long-range destruction. Augmented Brain Control: A direct connection to his cybernetic systems and a heightened mental ability, enabling him to control both machines and his own abilities with precision. Demonic Regeneration or Repair: With his demonic side, Gabriel can regenerate wounds quickly, or his cyborg parts can be repaired and reassembled with ease. Perfect Imitation of Human Emotions: Although a cyborg demon, Gabriel can mimic human emotions flawlessly, making him more persuasive or deceptive in interactions. Communication with Other Machines: Can interface with machines, controlling or gathering data from them through his neural link. MMA Combat: Gabriel is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, specializing in mixed martial arts, using both his physical and technological advantages. Mastery of All Weapons: His cyborg nature allows him to handle any weapon with precision, whether it's firearms, melee weapons, or anything in between. Longevity: Thanks to his hybrid nature, Gabriel has a prolonged lifespan, thanks to both his demonic immortality and his cyborg upgrades. Demon Cyborg


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