/ 宇宙玉のイヤリング

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作ってみた2ww もともとアクセサリーにしようと思って作っていた宇宙玉w 忘れて放置したままだったのを改めてアクセサリーにしてみましたww BOOTHに置いとくんでつかってくださいwww

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Meow ♪
3 months ago
haha.. so funny 😂 but it is real opal & handcrafted so I guess it would cost that much 😆
3 months ago
@Meow ♪ Wow!! Sorry I didn't know the price!! It was so expensive... it's like a jewel lol
Meow ♪
3 months ago
lol I was going to tell my brother, to help me find it, since he’s going to japan in autumn.. but I’ve changed my mind, did you see the prices? 😆 https://shop.takumu4u.jp/index_en_JPY_24.html
Meow ♪
3 months ago
o they’re so beautiful, I’ve made resin jewellery before, so I wonder if I can make it with resin instead of glass, but I see if I can find it first lol they kinda remind me of these, except it’s triangle, not the best quality & not as beautiful as the ball, but it looks nice in person, I have one lol https://www.amazon.co.uk/Moonstone-Crystal-Pyramid-Crushed-Orgonite/dp/B09BN2L8NC/ref=asc_df_B09BN2L8NC/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=696451236149&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13550537116959540651&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007850&hvtargid=pla-1628655805592&mcid=1cfc5f08ff713409b0961765adfed1ff&gad_source=1&th=1
3 months ago
@Meow ♪ I'm glad you enjoyed it. Please enjoy using it. This is a reproduction of something I saw on XTwitter that moved me. Maybe you can get it somewhere. https://x.com/plusalpha_glass?t=CI2drNLk7El5jinRJ2XRZQ&s=09


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