/ Sphinach LSSJ
Name pronounced like “Fina”. One of the few full blooded saiyans born 1000 years after the death of Goku, Vegeta, and the others. She's a very kind, and sweet saiyan raised off of Earth as the doctors were unable to remove her tail when she was born. Her power level would also spike to completely ludicrus levels with seemingly no rhyme or reason. When she came back to Earth as an adult, she had full control over her energy, and she is able to completely resist the great ape transformation. Broly was one of her ancestors, and evolution, as well as exposure to human genetics resulted in her kind, loving attitude, and incredible patience. She is also much taller than other saiyans.

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Her super saiyan form is... different... stronger, yet oddly calm. Has evolution changed this form? She doesn't seem like an uncontrollable monster. She seems almost... heroic.


by eeee
by PA AP
by ichi
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