Sotiable Salldon
/ Codename: Sotiable
Powers: Sith, Sense, Acrobatics Weapons: Dual Red Lightsabers Overcame Weaknesses: Solipsism Syndrome




Sotiable is a former Sith Lord and the older brother of one of the deceased kids. Sotiable suffers from Solipsism Syndrome, where he thinks he is the only one that exists and the rest is fake. He is known to be hot-headed, stubborn, gassy, glutton, psychotic, and mentally unstable. While he does love his little brother very much, he often tries to force him on ideas about getting game (which is basically hunting animals be it predator or prey for sport). His brother wanted to go back home with their parents but Sotiable angrily refused. This would make his brother be the target for the Beldam, an arachnid witch. After the disappearance of his brother, Sotiable began to lose grip of his mind and now began inflicting pain on real people. Fortunately, Willowcat appeared before Sotiable. Sotiable, of course, reacted by trying to kill the cat, but proved to no avail and began to get angry. Willowcat told him the truth as to what happened to his brother after Sotiable was forced to apologize to the sarcastic cat. Willowcat also explained as to how his Solipsism got the better hold of him. Devastated and ready to enter a meltdown, Willowcat comforted him and told him to go to God's prophet Jurakan. Despite Jurakan's silliness and randomness, Sotiable managed to learn the truth about God and how he created heaven and earth, and how he isn't the only one who exists. Sotiable's Solipsism Syndrome began to decay and has his mind cleared and refreshed. Sotiable then joined the Alliance guild and became friends with their allied guild members the Heroics and the Knights of the Dragon.


Maurici しました
dounia basli しました
Antony Maisey しました
Akuma_Mask しました
Gh2da しました
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