i tried to make short hair
/ of course it's a fairy
long story short: i made this to test my own ability to make pretty short hair that still flowed well and didn't turn weird during sudden movements. everything i've done to test that has succeeded. it seems i figured out how to make hair. you can expose her to mach wind conditions during a high energy dance and the hair still won't act in any way you wouldn't expect hair to. after doing that, i spent way, way too long developing and then abandoning various pieces of clothing for her. i'm ashamed of most of them, so this is what you get. mostly, i just wanted to publish this so i could make something else. but if it brings you joy, have fun with it!




the short haired one, but with the fairy wings re-enabled. what, did you think i would make something that was not a fairy? ...well, when i get better at drawing things (and more confident, but mostly, just better) perhaps the outfits and accessories will improve to the point that being extremely extra won't require the use of extra large wings. however, vroid itself has a lot of limitations that i'm starting to run into. in particular, there seems to be no way to entirely prevent her wings from clipping forward during certain dance moves. this is the actual reason the initial release did not include these wings. still, it wouldn't feel right not to include them.


loikp しました
Quantumline しました
Eternal Sphinx しました
toutounet6 しました
Jorge Vejar しました
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