/ Original Coco
The original Coco design based off of her on “Eddsworld.”




The original Coco as seen a couple “Eddsworld” episodes such as “Eddie’s Teddy”, “Does that make her crazy”, “Fun dead”, “Zombeh attack 1”, “Zomebh attack 3”, and “Eddsworld 20k.” You could look her up on google if you’d like to know more about her. She is one of the few FEMALE friends of Edd’s that I know of. She’s a reoccurring character on the show. She was last seen on “fun dead.” Some have theorized she’s quit “Eddsworld” in secret or at some point? But even I have no idea. She is also one of my favorite FEMALE characters on the web series. In addition I’ve updated her character design since she’s most familiar with her yellow, cat headband she mostly wears. Implying it is her main outfit/attire. Took me at least 2 days to finish updating her. Since her character design is a bit easy. The tough part was when I was trying to adjust the cat ears. The main differences between her original cartoon counterpart vs my anime version of her is that I’ve added her face paint whiskers, red lipstick, and a trail to maker her look adorable and make her stand out more. Besides she is girly and motherly so I’d figured giving her lipstick was fitting to her character. I’d even imagined she’s similar to Star butterfly from “Star vs. the Forces of Evil.” Since I ship her with Edd (did make up the ship in the 1st place), Star and Coco wear yellow/have yellow, both female, love interest with guys who are shy, and have brown hair, etc. Art Credtis:, and


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