子猫モリー Koneko morī
/ 子猫モリー Koneko morī




Meow my name is 子猫モリー Koneko morī which is Japanese for Kitten Molly. I am part of an Anthropomorphic race of creatures call theアニ毛皮 Ani Kegawa. I love fish, outdoor, and Gymnastics. I also dislike noise and tofu. I also have PTSD from my past event I will tell you my sad story. I am part of the Jaguar tribe call the サップガークス Sappugākusu or Sap Garks. the Ani Kegawa are a group of Anthropomorphic races of creature's aka people turning to animals. I am born Part tiger and jaguar my mother is ジャガータ Jagātan and sadly I don't Remember my father's name and what he did I found out that someone is working for a long-gone threat. I notice that creature with a purple coat a sign that he a master or dark Magic and I notice that he's staff has an eye with white wings, telling me that's he is part of the Swan Tribe, A beautiful tribe that are known by their kindness, sweet song and wine, and their taboo rule on witchcraft and violence. he probably banishes from the Swan Tribe. I try to fight this threat, but he has power that my Tribe would call its taboo. He has power like laser, Electrical shocks, Duplications, and Telekinesis. I have lost, when I woke up my tribe is being under attack by a gang of poachers. my mom was shot and die right in front of me, I was Traumatized so I hug my mother and cry and then I got tranquillize by an animals' right group. then I wake up near the school call lemon balm high, I was hunger and sad, so I beg for food until I meet this girl name ChiMomo instead of just food we became best friends, we have a picnic and I told her about my home in the amazon, they I ask ChiMomo why you have so much blood on you she said I killed someone, so I tell her my story and the bloodshed that happen so to Hopefully lean that bloodshed is wrong, they ChiMomo said ok I wouldn't kill anyone ever again. later ChiMomo intro me to Jiro she is so nice and give me fish with rice roll that they call sushi, I love my new friends Meow!


Henry しました
fueguito しました
Me しました
Yuri しました
Diegor しました
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