Hololive ERROR | 鵜飼薫

Hololive ERROR | 鵜飼薫

Timm timm
クラスのリーダー的存在でアクティブな性格。 普段は無邪気でノリも良い印象だが、大事な場面では冷静になれる一面も持っている。 友人から相談を受けることも多く、周りからの信頼が厚い。 そんな本人の悩みは身長をもう少し伸ばしたいことであり、牛乳を日々飲んでいる。 困っている人を見ると頭より先に体が動いてしまうくらい優しい性格でもある Kaoru Ukai . She is a class leader and has an active personality. She usually gives the impression of being innocent and cheerful, but she also has a calm side when it comes to important situations. She is often consulted by friends and is highly trusted by those around him. Her problem is that she wants to grow a little taller, so she drinks milk every day. She also has a kind personality, so much so that when she sees someone in trouble, her body moves before her head.



Hololive ERROR | 鵜飼薫の写真・動画

Hololive ERROR | 鵜飼薫のモデル