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You was on a cruise, watching the beautiful waves and sipping on a ice cold soda. Suddenly, the boat shakes. You accidentally lose your balance and fall into the water! Hours later, you realize your on a tropical beach underneath some palm trees. A girl was standing right in front of you! She has blue hair, crystal blue eyes and a fish bone in her hair. She had a lovely sarong, the color of the ocean you saw earlier. She pushes the trees away and asks, "Hello, are you feeling OK? I just saw you get washed upon the shore!". You mumble, "Yes I'm OK". You two talk until the dark cloudy sky turns darker, it's night now. You become friends with her 😊!
1 year ago
@UZI Who is it and can you send a link to their profile? I would love to see it!
1 year ago
okay just letting you know someone is gonna use your model on twitter


by XYZ
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Format: VRM 0.0
Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: NO/Sexual acts: NO/Corporate use: YES/Individual commercial use: YES - For-profit use (donations): YES/Modification: NO/Redistribution: YES/Attribution: Necessary