/ agent145631




Agent Or Ejento is the good guy the fastest the abilities is • Electricity: Manipulation and generation of electricity. • Superhuman Strength: Comparable to Spider-Man’s strength. • Speed Faster than Lightning: Can move at incredible speeds, surpassing lightning. • Intangibility: Able to pass through solid objects. • Mirage Creation: Creates visual illusions. • Super Resistance Especially to Cuts and Sharp Objects: Skin is resistant to superficial injuries. • Melting into electricity: Ejento begins to dissolve in a mixture of golden and blue flashes. His body gradually transforms into twinkling electric bows, vibrating and emitting sparks around him. An aura of lightning surrounds him, giving the impression that he is a living incarnation of electricity. • Super Regeneration: Rapid regeneration based on thunder. • Vibration: Ejento can vibrate at frequencies high enough to cross solid objects or become intangible, making it difficult to catch. • Clone Creation: Can create multiple copies of himself. • Super Flight: Capable of flying. • Enhanced Senses: Hawk-like, sharp senses. • Sharp Fingers: His fingers can become sharp like weapons, similar to Hancock’s. Weather Manipulation: Ability to influence the weather. Travel and stop the time: This ability allows slow down the flow of time around them.Time travel can involve crossing temporal boundaries to visit an earlier era or a future period, potentially with the option to influence events that unfold there. Connection with a Falcon: This may represent heightened perception or bird-related abilities. “Dark Lightning” Mode: • Enhanced Abilities: All powers are heightened, emitting a dark aura that creates frightening illusions. • Black Lightning: Control over dark lightning. • Super-Fast Regeneration: Enhanced healing ability. • Slicing Ability like Sukuna: Extreme cutting power. • Smoke Screen: Can generate smoke to obscure vision. • Shadow Transformation: Can blend into shadows for movement or concealment. • Whip and Black Webs: Control over a whip and black webs for capturing or attacking. Combat Skills: Mastery of Wing Chun and Taekwondo. Katana, Guns and Nunchaku Mastery The Falcon Lightning




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