The Mad Mother
/ The Mad Mother
Species: Further Resident/Ghost Race: American Powers: Longevity (Formerly)




Elastica Quincy, otherwise known as by the Bellows Brothers the Mad Mother, is a spectre resident of the Further and one of the brothers deadliest and manipulative villains. Known to be both insane yet cunning, she is obsessed with structuring little girls to an extent of abuse, even if it meant doing it to her own child Aegeus Quincy. Worse yet, her deceiving young looks hide her true age, being born way back in the late 1800's thanks to her Longevity. How she died was the result of a rare disease, but haunts her firstborn Agus Quincy, who is shown to be much more masculine than his younger brother yet was forced to wear the iconic maiden outfit. When she died, she began to plague her now deceased firstborn (who died of old age while Aegeus was in a cold sleep) to possess the body of an Astral Projector, who happened to be the father of the Bellows Brothers and their sister Kristine "Kris" Bellows. The plan only half succeeded, as she was eventually bludgeoned to death by Savannah Orita, Tarzan Makita's biological mother, by a rocking horse, ridding her from any sort of existence for good. Former Powers: Longevity: The ability to age extremely slower regardless of the timeline.


Cardinal Decker しました
Zorraida しました
Luis Angel しました
Azaizle しました
Jace Lindsay しました
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