/ onTheUsualDay - sunny, around25℃
ゆるふわ日常系作品の背景にいそうな若干奇行が目立つ通りすがり系女児(しばしば過剰な裏設定つき)を想定。 きっとみずがめ座B型。 変な駄菓子とか変なジュースを好むタイプ。 好きなまんがはちゃおデラックスホラー。 A little bit quirky kid made to be seemed to appear as a minor role in slice-of-life anime. Probably Aquarius and blood type B. She probably likes weird sweets and weird drinks.
椿 唐渡

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ふと、外遊びにも度重なる洗濯にも耐え、コスパも充分な感じの服を作るのだ、と決めていたことを思い出しました。 それはそれとして磯巾着っていいですよね? I remembered that I decided to make clothes which are extremely tough against many and many washing and outdoor playing at the beginning. Moreover, They need to be very, very excellent at their cost. Anyhow, actiniarians are sooo kawaii and irresistible, isnt'it? * モデル画像に Townscaper, Cloud Gardens のスクリーンショットを使用。 * model images includes screenshots of Townscaper and Cloud Gardens




by Evil
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