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"Belle" or "The Dragon and the Freckled Princess", is a film that explores the AI world, 'U'. A world where users can use their hidden strengths from the real world online. Suzu (Belle) is a girl who loses her singing voice after a tragic incident involving the tragic loss of her mother. She joins the World U and becomes an idol. Singing and serving her talents throughout the world. Her basic dress is white; however, she does get a red, blue, pink, and brown dress later on. ---------- This model is FREE. This model includes a FREE (red flower) hair accessory. This model uses clothing presets provided by VRoid Studio. ---------- TERMS OF SERVICE: 1. DO NOT SELL THIS MODEL!!! 2. DO NOT CLAIM THIS MODEL WITHOUT CREDIT!!! 3. DO NOT ALTER THIS MODEL'S FACE OR HAIR!!! (Clothing and accessories are acceptable...)

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by ルイ
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If this is set to "YES", others can use this model according to the conditions of use set by its creator. Model data (VRM format) can be provided to other users, who can use it for various VR/AR platforms and other types of 3D content linked with VRoid Hub.
Format: VRM 0.0
Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: NO/Sexual acts: NO/Corporate use: NO/Individual commercial use: NO/Modification: NO/Redistribution: NO/Attribution: Necessary