Xīnyī Ōkami
/ Last Battle - Destiny Of Death




In the enigmatic realm of high school corridors and adolescent dramas, lies the extraordinary tale of Xīnyī, a 17-year-old girl whose destiny transcends the ordinary bounds of existence. Chosen by a divine entity to bear the weight of reality's very fabric, Xīnyī carries the mantle of an Ōkami, a title whispered in the annals of time, manifesting once every two decades. Behind her serene facade and playful demeanor, Xīnyī conceals a tempest of turmoil within her fragile soul. Plagued by the shadows of depression and the specter of suicidal thoughts, she navigates the labyrinth of her emotions with a veil of tranquility, masking the tumultuous storm raging within. As the designated Ōkami, Xīnyī's existence is a delicate balance between the mundane and the divine. Tasked with the formidable duty of safeguarding reality from an encroaching demonic menace, she wields the power to mold existence itself, a burden that weighs heavily upon her fragile shoulders. As the sands of time trickle mercilessly, Xīnyī embarks on a perilous odyssey, delving into the recesses of a reality veiled from mortal eyes. With each passing day, the threat looms larger, and the stakes soar higher, propelling her towards an inevitable confrontation that will shape the destiny of all existence. On the precipice of her eighteenth year, amidst the jubilant celebrations of graduation day, Xīnyī fulfills her sacred duty, vanquishing the malevolent forces that sought to unravel the very fabric of reality. With her final act of defiance, she lays her weary head upon her sister's lap, succumbing to the tranquil embrace of eternal slumber, her legacy etched into the annals of time. As the sun sets on her fleeting existence, the world she saved stands as a testament to her indomitable spirit, forever enshrining her as the Ōkami who dared to defy destiny itself.





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