/ Rehza -Trans Rights Shirt-
Rehza is a crystal deer from outer space. They are genderfluid and go by different pronouns, for the description I will use 'they'. Crystal deer are not the only species that has colonized earth and lives on there as mythological beings. Rehza was born and raised on the crystal deer planet, but they went to earth and fell in love with earth fashion. They have a peculiar liking in Harajuku fashion and similar styles. Big fan of pastels, but also fond of dark or bold colors. But their main reason to like earth fashion is, that we use fabrics their home planet does not use. "You have no idea how great shirt jersey really is, do you?"




Rehza modeling my Trans Rights Shirt. You can download and wear it for free. Recently a scandal came to light of s*xual harassment and other horrible things involving women working for PIXIV. One of them faced special discrimination due to not being respected fully as a woman. She was brave enough to sue her ex-boss and speak about the things she had to go through. This shirt IS a protest. it is my anger and disappointment over hearing this. This is me standing with her in this, even tho we never met. Let's treat each other with respect, it doesnt take much at all to be kind


@goro214 im sorry to hear you faced struggled with getting treated respectfully too. this thread is where i got things from and i also ran the originalk article linked on the tweet through google translate for extra context
Where can I learn more about what happened in the description to the employee? As someone who's genderfluid and doesn't have my identity taken very seriously by others, hearing about this is making me really upset and I hope she was able to win her case against the ex-boss


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