Bernie Fox
/ Bernie Fox
Age: 16 Species: Human Race: American Weapon: Revolver (Formerly/Discarded)




A junior at Hope's Peak High assigned to the Shujin Student Building and Suki's childhood friend. A bully who is forced to go to church because of his parents, and often picks on the weak and unmighty. However, he suffers a lot from depression and loneliness to the point of binging, ending up with a huge, bloating body of fat. Thus, Suki, despite being younger than him and a middle schooler, sticks by his side so that he wouldn't feel lonely and promises to live with him as roommates of their own volition. Bernie attempted suicide using his revolver, but managed to survive and give Suki the courage to fight against his ex-girlfriend/"Kamoshida" victim, Takoko Minazuki, who is confirmed to have a Palace of her own with an even more corrupted heart to the point that her Shadow had to be assassinated in order for her crimes to come back to haunt her physically. Bernie regained consciousness but was transferred into a different building, but has hung out with the bunch and was responsible for creating the Ultimate Aficionado Agent Website, where people are to place their suggestions in the comments section for a problem relating to something serious. Fun fact: Bernie was a victim of Wonka's cheesecakes that caused him to become extremely ginormous and fat, filled with cheesecake filling him up from inside his stomach.


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