Eru Makita
/ Eru Makita
Powers: Superhuman Strength, Healing, Self-Healing, Durability




Eru Makita is a normal college student at Hope's Peak High and one of the oldest sons of Xavier Makita. He is known to be energetic, airheaded, goofy, gassy, comical, comedic, and playful. Eru has been known to be one of the most annoying yet kind-hearted college students anyone has ever seen. Due to his tall physic, Eru is a happy-go-lucky man who just wants everyone to smile, even if it means to bug them. However, he's also known to share emotions with other peoples sadness and distress, and would put himself aside to give comfort for those in need. He's also known to not back down from a fight, easily giving one swift kick to his opponents and humbling them while also showing compassion and mercy, as he tends to kick softly knowing that if he kicks hard enough, it could rupture someone's body. Currently, he's a football player at Hope's Peak High as well as one of the players who participated in Pamela Stacy's execution and blowing up with large blubber of mass to the point it's filling up the Indoor Football Stadium. Eru is one of Kai Makita's older brothers/classmate at both Math and Language Writing.


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