Fei Long
/ Fei Long
Age: 18 Species: Human Race: Chinese Sub-Initial Persona: Ao Guang Persona Link: Aqua




Fei Long A senior at Hope's Peak High who immigrated out of China. A flamboyant, feminine man with a flirtatious lust for women but unfortunate out of bad luck. It's theorize that his constant bad luck comes from bullying Xao Chuo back in China since elementary school. He's also very boastful and a terrible liar, which became highly exposed by his own shadow. As his lies gets more and more exposed, and the fact that he's been lying about being rich, Fei becomes more aggressive until his shadow revealed the biggest secret: an attention seeker that only craves fans and thinking inside his fantasy world, then believing it to be true. Fei denies his Shadow, and it went berserk but was stopped by the ASO Team. The cocky narcissist was then confronted by Xao himself, who is one of the group's numbers, and flat out tells Fei about how he denies being that one person despite the obvious, stating he has no right to deny it because of how much he bullies and harasses others for himself. Fei, now acting like the coward he really is and how much he's a sore loser, begs for mercy, but Xao exclaimed that he already forgave him and told him to never make the same thing happen to others again. With this, Fei was let go, and he ran for dear life, thus granting Hiruso the Sub-Initial Persona, Ao Guang. Since then, Fei became the laughing stock, and his stubbornness further expanded his utter misfortune. And his father's weight...


Sunnylucy しました
GingerZeppeli しました
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