Aileen Kai'Fa
/ Aileen Kai'Fa
Age: 19-20 Species: Human Race: African American Powers: Prophetic Gifting




A.K.A. In The Name Of Jesus Girl (don't ask), is an ally/supporter of the Bellows Brothers and is Skit's girlfriend. Very inspiring and encouraging while also giving off a badass drive who holds nothing back with her powers when it is needed. She's also a prophetess of the Lord Yahweh/Jesus Christ, meaning she has the prophetic gifts inherited from her mother. She's also spiritually strong and a powerful warrior of prayer. Out of all who came to Skit's aid when he needed someone the most during his emotional state and becoming an amorphous mass of blubber and fat, Aileen and Miguel Sanchez, another ally of the Bellows Brothers, were the only ones who understood the situation and came to him, managing to bring him back to reasoning. She never stops believing in God's work through her and others, and never stops believing in a person who needs someone to repair their broken heart, never giving into human fears and staying bold for the sake of others. Prophetic Power Applications: Divine Sentence: Shouting "In the Name of Jesus" that causes soundwaves to emit from her vocal cords, rebuking anything that is spiritually unclean and physically creating a vortex that swirls heavily within her surroundings. Prophetic Dreams: Can receive dreams that leaves out intentional symbols of a person's future. Troubling to remember will happen, but will flood back to her if she feels something like deja vu. God's Interpretation: God (Yahweh) will interpret the dream of what the future holds to her or anyone else's, including their fate. Hearing of God: Can hear the voice of God through her heart, allowing her ears to hear his voice as well.
She's cute :3


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