Dan Burroughs
/ Dan Burroughs
Age: 16 Species: Mutant Race: Caucasian Powers: Regeneration, Fat Growth, Super Strength, Body Fat Armor




Dan Burroughs is the son of Mary Burroughs and brother of Bobby and Edward Burroughs and foster brother of Nancy Price. He is known to be sweet, gluttonous, childlike, obedient-like, loving, and caring opposite to his brothers. Dan was born in a larval state when he was still a baby and taking on the appearance of an ginormous, gelatinous, obese teenager until he was burned alive by Nancy after being hungry for a long time and unable to control his appetite for so long. Dan survived thanks to his larval state being destroyed and becoming a full-fledged human being. However, he was taken under custody for the murders and will soon be getting prosecuted by Sae Niijima. Dan would receive visits from Nancy and the two manage to pull off a strong sibling bond with each other. Dan would be placed into more suspicion when evidence revolving around Scissorman began piling up with mass murders. Because of this, Dan was forced to come along so that fear among the public wouldn't arouse. In Nancy and Dan's side story (canon), Dan would have to survive still in chains and reuniting with his adopted sister Nancy when disguising himself as Scissorman and freeing her from bondage. It would soon be short lived when the real Scissorman stabs Dan in the stomach before proceeding to chase after Nancy. Luckily, Dan's big, soft belly proved to be impenetrable, acting as organic body armor for him and looked for Nancy again. This time he managed to catch up to his other half; his parasitic twin Edward Burroughs, and coming to Nancy's aid once again by giving her time to open the door using the Door Spell and from being sucked inside through the doors. After the two got rescued from the debris, Dan, Nancy, and her foster sister Tara Akane warmly embraced a group hug with each other. After the events, Miles Edgeworth, another prosecutor, took Sae's place as prosecutor for the murder cases and clearing Dan from all charges of both mass murders, thus granting him parole. Upon release, Dan was reunited with Nancy and Tara and becoming a new member to their family. He is currently doing well again.




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