VRoid Hub Content Protection Policy

VRoid Hub is a web service geared towards the storing, showcasing, and sharing of 3D character models. Users can bring their 3D models to various services and applications, as well as display the appeal and charm of their characters to the community as much as they like.

The VRoid Hub Development Team is working continuously towards researching and making technological advancements regarding the creation and distribution of 3D model data. The ultimate goal is to make VRoid Hub a safe and convenient tool for its community.

However, there are unavoidable risks with the technology involved in making 3D model data public and sharing it with others on web browsers. We do not wish to hide these risks; rather, we intend to be transparent in conveying them to the community, as well as explaining the steps we are taking to mitigate them. To this end, we are stating our Content Protection Policy.

Content Protection Measures

The following list is a portion of how we protect content on our platform.

  • The 3D preview data for our website is not the same as the original data for the model uploaded to our platform. Exempting cases in which downloading is permitted, files uploaded are never made public.
  • In order to help protect from potential illicit use, 3D model preview data is transmitted in an extremely mangled form. Previews are only generated on demand, and the data transmitted should not be usable as a 3D model even if obtained illicitly.
  • VRoid Hub’s Terms of Use prohibit any attempt to reserve engineer data within the service.
  • When making a model public on VRoid Hub, users can choose between allowing 3D previews or simply 2D still images.

Risks With Creating 3D Models

VRoid Hub’s 3D preview feature uses WebGL technology to construct 3D models within your browser. More specifically, WebGL uses data from the server and loads it (rewritten as new models) into the VRAM (video memory) of PCs, smartphones, VR devices, etc. through graphics API such as OpenGL and DirectX.

When this happens, VRAM needs to be used to handle the data needed to draw the model. It is possible that this data can be read outside of the graphics API, and there is some risk that those with the skills and know-how can figure out a way to use this data to reconstruct a 3D model. Even if this is made as time-consuming and difficult as possible, we’re faced with the problem of preventing data being illicitly used by those who will always intend to do illicit acts.

This is not just limited to services using WebGL. Using 3D models with any application, game, virtual world, etc involves the models using VRAM to draw those models, and as such, any process using 3D models carries this risk. Services are tackling this issue through the creation of individual policies.

Risk Management

We have taken initiative with our Content Protection Policy to defend against illicit use of models, and we will continue to add new measures. There is ultimately a trade-off between the value of showing a moving 3D model to many people, and the possibility of that data being misused. We think this decision ought to be in the hands of our users.

As one method of content protection, users on VRoid Hub have the option to make their 3D model preview data public or not.

Selecting Your Model Display Method

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you keep our content protection policy in mind when using VRoid Hub and that you select the settings that best work for you. If you discover conduct that leads you to think 3D model data that’s public on VRoid Hub is being used improperly, please don’t hesitate to contact our team via our inquiry form. The content of your inquiry will be verified, investigated, and we will take appropriate action.

Inquiry Form

We want VRoid Hub to be a space in which anyone’s creations can be safely shared. We will continue doing research on the distribution of model data and making updates to prevent illicit model use.