ご訪問下さり、ありがとうございます。 気に入ってくれると嬉しいです。 皆様のVRoidを拝見させて頂き、日々勉強させて貰っています。 twitter twitter.com/tw_mohsu BOOTH mohsu.booth.pm/ 4コマ漫画 www.pixiv.net/user/13361544/series/180809 DTM big-up.style/artists/177373 --------- Thank you for your browsing my Vroid Hub. I'm mohsu. "妄" means imagination, delusion, dreamer and so on. "子" means child. Besides, it is often used at the last kanji of girl's name. The words in parentheses, "もうす", are shown as the reading method of Kanji, since Japanese Kanji has various reading methods. I'm happy if you like my VRoid. I'm watching everyone's VRoid for my learning.

妄子《もうす》's characters

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