I'm a vtuber, content creator, songwriter & lifestyle advice streamer who is highly creative! If you like fashions; my models, clothes, hairs and makeup are available for download on my booth.pm shop or can find on my ko-fi for free! I stream on YouTube, Twitch, Hyper app & Bandlab. Feel free to msg me on socials or discord for a commission! FREE VTUBER ASSETS: venusvariation.booth.pm/ | ko-fi.com/venusvariation My work: Advice | VTuber & VRoid Tutorials | Music & Arts www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ESk38eU0XNnQ4opN32Vmg?sub_confirmation=1 Socials: linktr.ee/venusvariation I’m interested in empowering people, helping others and I love creating! Thank you!♥ Translation: 私はあなたに聞きたいです!ここでフォローするか、ソーシャル メディア アカウントに追加してください

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