~Homemade Extracts For Baking~ Take a clean baby food jar. Fill it with Vodka. Drop a Cinnamon Stick or 2, or some Mint Leaves, or a Vanilla Bean (from any health food store (the beans may be either squishy or leathery, I've got them both ways)), into the baby food jar (with the Vodka). *if using a Vanilla Bean, peirce the skin with a knife or fork and the Vodka will Actually Suck the very Meat / Pulp out <3 Cover tightly and place in a cool, dark drawer or cabinet for about 2 (two) weeks. Now you have POWERFULL, All Natural, PURE Extracts. They add water to that shiz at the store .. ~Homemade Lip Gloss~ 1/4 Cup Olive Oil. 1 Tablespoon Jelly / Jam / Fruit Preserves (Any flavor or combination of flavors that you like!). In a medium sized saucepan, slowly heat the Olive Oil over a low heat. When the Olive Oil is warm, add the Jelly / Jam / Fruit Preserves. Stir slowly until the Jelly / Jam / Fruit Preserves are completely Disolved into the Olive Oil. Store Lip Gloss in a clean, dry Baby Food Jar or Pretty Crystal Vial. :3 *Special Trick: You can add some Mint Extract for a Tingly Sensation or some Cinnamon Extract for a Hot Sensation* ^.~ <3 ~Homemade Perfume~ Take a clean baby food jar. Fill it with Vodka. Drop one of you favorite flowers into the baby food jar (with the Vodka). Cover tightly and place in a cool, dark drawer or cabinet for about 2 (two) weeks. Now you have your own Scent (or mixture of scents :3), that nobody else will be wearing! Also makes a great air freshener! ~BlackForest Brownie Pie~ Make a batch of brownies. Let cool completely. Flip the whole pan of brownies out (like a cake), onto a clean tray or plate. Make Another batch of brownies. Let cool completely. Now take a Whole can of Cherry Pie Filling and rubber spatula the Whole can on top of the Brownies still in the pan (or you can put it together in a travel container for Gifting <3). Finally, flip the first batch of brownies on top of the brownie pie. Best Served Chilled. *Or Substitute the cherry pie filling for MarshMallo and have S'more's Brownies ~^.^~*

