

Kyla Larson following her upgrade to full masks as she poses for a series of photographs as a part of the announcement post on her social networking profile page. She expresses her gratitude for the support of her friends both on the force and in her personal life as she celebrates yet another milestone in defying the odds relative to her biological condition and reveals that she's more comfortable than she ever was in her use of a conventional half mask setup (effectively marking a complete transition in all aspects of her diving excursions both personally and professionally.) フルマスクにアップグレードしたカイラ・ラーソンが、SNSのプロフィールページで発表のポーズをとっている。また、従来のハーフマスクを使用していたときよりも快適になったことを明かしている(事実上、個人的にも仕事面でも、ダイビングのあらゆる面で完全に移行したことになる)。