
今夜は中秋の名月w お月見を楽しみたいですねw ほたる「お月見だから月見バーガー買ってきたよーお供えしてから食べよーww 玉子を月に見立ててー月がよく欠けるようにがぶっとやるんだよww」 マコト「嘘を教えるな。お供えするのは月見団子だろう。買ってこなかったのか?」 ほたる「ごめーん売り切れてたー」 マコト「そうか。ならこれでいい」 ミナ「あの・・・月がものすごく近いんだけど・・・ここどこ?」
@Meow ♪
o interesting! also I love how Makoto is just in the backgound lol thanks, I dress them like how I would like my dolls would wear or myself lol 😆
@Meow ♪ Yes, everyone in this family is a magician! But Mina has only just started using magic, so all she can do is create fire lol https://hub.vroid.com/artworks/4169882039046167510 Please take your time to choose. I like the outfit you chose, it's cool.lol
@Meow ♪
o wizards? I didn’t know that 😯 I thought Hotaru was the only magical being lol I don’t know, maybe travel the world, and go to ireland 😆 well my character is stuck in space just now so lol also I need to find new clothes, can’t find any at the moment, since I’m super picky.
@Meow ♪ That's right! This family is wizards, so they can appear anywhere. I wonder where they should go next lol Your characters in space again? That's exciting! I can't wait to see what kind of universe it will be!
@Meow ♪
That burger looks nice 😋 we usually have mooncake, not had that in many years though. I see, your family are in space, how lucky lol maybe you’ll see my character there too lol