Clarus Seco
/ ReversalRain - Trailer
The son of the village chief is surprisingly laid back in spite of his father's expectations, taking a liking to breaking as many rules as possible. Despite this rebellious energy, he upholds a charismatic aura; you'll find yourself beguiled by his cunning eloquency. Regardless of his lack of depth perception, he is quite agile. You might catch him scaling the walls of the village clock tower, or leaping into the waters of the shadowed understory, catching a glimpse at the creatures below. Needless to say, the sunset curfew has been broken too many times. He often performs duets on stage with a skilled harpist. The rich dark tone of his cello glides over the night, seeming to awaken the whispers of souls that passed long ago.
Llyona Fang




My original character, Clarus Seco, for my multimedia band/webcomic "ReversalRain" ❤️🥀 Clarus Seco 🥀❤️ An athlete, daredevil, and musician! 🎶 Instrument: Cello The son of the village chief is surprisingly laid back in spite of his father's expectations, taking a liking to breaking as many rules as possible. Despite this rebellious energy, he upholds a charismatic aura; you'll find yourself beguiled by his cunning eloquency. Regardless of his lack of depth perception, he is quite agile. You might catch him scaling the walls of the village clock tower, or leaping into the waters of the shadowed understory, catching a glimpse at the creatures below. Needless to say, the sunset curfew has been broken too many times. He often performs duets on stage with a skilled harpist. The rich dark tone of his cello glides over the night, seeming to awaken the whispers of souls that passed long ago.


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