still can't draw, but you see,
/ updated (corrected skirt)
i found some brushes that let you reuse and i found the eraser tool. i also had an ssd crash on me, so i needed another one of these. most importantly, however, craftopia doesn't have a built-in option for loading vrm models, so... here it is. i did my best though, whenever it was that i drew this. i even hand drew the eyes, so if you zoom in really, really close, it's a little absurd. but, this is for craftopia, so it's also very low poly; you might not actually want to use it as an avatar. i have no idea what happens when i load this, so we'll both find out soon enough. p.s. highlighting blonde hair is really hard!




same as before, but i had left some weird color filter on her underlayered skirt on accident. speaking of skirt, i poked around in unity and found the setting that lets you tune the dress physics! so, maybe it looks a little more natural when she does things like spins. least, that's the hope. this was supposed to be a quick upload of an old thing. who would've thought i'd be prodding around at it for another few hours? craftopia re-enable local vrm import challenge 2021


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Alecats しました
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Nee san~ しました
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