Speedhedge Makita
/ Codename: Speedhedge
Powers: Quicksilver/Sonic Speed, Agility, Ball Dash, Trickery




Speedhedge is the son of Bigbear Makita and is known to be picky, stubborn, relentless, adventurous, smart, and a trickster. He usually complains and gets bored whenever he has to stay indoors and want's to explore. He feels like his mom, dad, and siblings don't care about him, but in reality they do. They're just busy all the time. His neighbors also doesn't help at all either, as the neighborhood kids, be it younger or older, tend to be loud, wild, and carefree, in which Speedhedge doesn't like to hang around with let alone bombarded with questions as to why he's half human half hedgehog. An antagonist almost destroyed the island town just so he could have power over people, and some of the neighborhood kids used their power to put an end to it while also bragging as to how heroic they'll be when they beat the villain. Speedhedge, however, tried to reunite his own family alone after they got separated with each other. When he was forced to help the neighborhood kids, 3 of which were elementary kids and the entire 19 being high schoolers. This makes Speedhedge being the only middle schooler. A guild was formed after that, being known as The Heroics. Throughout the journey, the guild and their leader don't make plans and just split the guild members into teams and then fighting off enemies. Speedhedge didn't like this constant approach as it is most likely a suicide mission for bitter fame. But the members don't care, so long as they reach their goal of becoming heroes and gaining fame. Speedhedge decided to do things on his own since the guild is just being reckless. However, the guild noticed this and tried to stop him, but their reckless behavior was no match for Speedhedge's cleverness and skills. While he knows that the members have their own thoughts and feelings, they're still trying to chase after an illusion they can never succeed. The guild leader, Croaner, managed to corner him, but Jurakan caused him to have immense hunger for food and sets his eyes on the all-of-a-sudden banquet of food. As Croaner feasted, he began to grow in obese size, and giving Jurakan the chance to take Speedhedge out to meet with his family. As they reunited, Speedhedge began to feel bad and miss the guild, because they too were like him and want nothing to do with their parents until now. Even seeing their parents in distress caused him to go back. With Jurakan's approval. He reunited with the guild and were now facing their enemy that tried to gain power from the beginning, Croaner. When Croaner was eventually defeated, Speedhedge gave him another chance to redeem the guild. Months later, Speedhedge heard of the Knights of the Dragons and allied his guild with them. Speedhedge has matured a bit while also carrying his old personalities.
Also to Raw Master: And thank you for the suggestion. I will make sure to keep that in mind.
To Raw Master: in case you haven't noticed yet, I am limiting to adding new ones and remodeling the old ones and giving them a background to represent the bedrooms or area they have including hints as to what type of powers they have. I am also changing the origins and updating their profiles and reworking the tabs to know which genre is going to collide with. Their stories are in the models resources description.
Raw Master
you should remove the shoes and give it blue feet with skin colored pads on the bottom


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