Kip Makita
/ Kip Makira
Powers: Fat Expansion, Body Inflation (Blimp), Hyper Leaping, Ball Morphing, Water Ballooning (when swallowing load amounts of water), Size Physiology, Teleportation (Limited Range), Wind Breath, Agility, Tongue Extension, Belly Knock-Back (Belly Expansion), Regeneration




Kip Makita is the son of Xavier and Ruta Makita and is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. He is known to be gassy, childish, blunt, sweet, superstitious-like, goofy, and sensitive. Kip, a main protagonist, is known to have his episodes when using the toilet, more specifically what he eats. Nevertheless, he is very sweet and loving towards everyone and very forgiving. He is also very touchy when it comes to logic, even sometimes missing jokes that confuse him due to his blunt nature and often doesn't get a lot of friends because of thinking about their feelings and the way they express it, causing him to back off because he doesn't want to anger them because of him. He'll soon find himself in an space aircraft along with a few others, and survive a crisis that involves infected zombies and other mutated creatures. After managing to escape along with some survivors (the rest were killed due to being greedy, wrathful, and spoiled), he is now currently reunited and living with his family again and is starting to get more respect and having more friends understanding him thanks to the survivors who stood up for him, because it was Kip who, despite the situation, managed to play as an effective leader who never lies when danger lurks.




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