Nch’s 1st battle costume
/ Nch’s Chinese outfit




I’ve always imagined Nch as a Chinese dragon, hence his race. The hard parts to do was the the horns, hat, and tail. Good thing I was able to figure it out. I wanted to alter my 3d model of Nch’s 1st battle costume due to the other one wasn’t how I liked it to be. But when I’ve experimented in VRoid Studio in learning how to do it, with also using procreate, and clip studio paint. I’ve made it through. It also fascinated me how the tail was moving, using the bone/bounce adjustments under the “hair” category on Vroid Studio. I just realized the wings are a bit to big but I don’t care, so that way his wings will help him to fly perhaps. Also that he’s into Dragons as well. He’s transformed into his dragon form when he gets mad or that he’s antagonistic (not irl), from that I’ve thought of his character. Although decided to change his hair (since can’t put the tail and hair pieces in the same category, have to be in different catagory. So I went berserk then this happened I’ve managed to went wild with his hair style. Then I was like hey I like this look on fierce nch! Also he’s from “Eddsworld” in the epsiode “Edd vs. Randomness.” By the way I did the nails, but using the arm accessories tab, erased the paws, and just left out the claws to resemble sharp claws, since that’s what dragons have. This took me about 2-3 days to make/finished. References: “Tai chi chasers”, “American Dragon: Jake Long”, and “Arknights.” Programs used: Clip studio paint, procreate, The Bash Mesh, Vroid studio, and Monstermash. Art credits:,,, and The base


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