Age: 38-39 Species: Mutant Race: American/Italian Powers: Myokinesis/Superhuman Strength




A member of Future Foundation and protagonist. Despite his intimidating appearance and first seen as a prideful jock who mocks, taunts, and almost beats the protagonists, he is shown to be a compassionate, caring, laid-back man with an ex-wife and 2 kids. After his divorce, he fell into depression and needed a way to blow off a lot of steam. Unfortunately, later on his squad's leader revealed himself to be Mephistophiles' Followers and only wished to kill Future Foundation for personal gain, thus leaving Hereacles and two others to fend for themselves while Carla, a squad member, returns to her family and bringing the Mercenary Squadron to an end. Thus, he along with the other two decided to join Future Foundation and becoming official members and welcomed by the leader, who is still only a teenager, with open arms and excitement. As another Tank, he is sided with Soro Mochin, codename Steatybear, and given the codename Hulkules. Hereacles plays more of a father figure and wise man, and shows that he has patience and an unconditional fatherly love for his teammates, especially Beta, the MAIN protagonist, and the deuteragonist/protagonist Zenko, the newest member of the now disbanded Mercenary Squadron. Powers: Myokinesis: Hereacles can manipulate the growth of his muscles to the point of outgrowing a gymnasium, increasing Superhuman Strength, Super Durability, Impenetrability, Hyper Leap, Super Flexibility, and Pygakinesis. He can also perform Myokinetic Attacks.


Max Zimmer しました
eubrunno rafael しました
Jason Russo しました
Not Gay しました
Felix Torres しました
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