



Fullname: Annabelle Bentley Alias: Possesed crying blood doll DOB:14 January 1900 Age:123 but look like 14 Love Interest: Frozen Damian Bio: Annabelle was born long time ago in a commener family she is the twin sister of Annabella,when she was alive she and her sister was raised by their aunt and uncle since their paren died in a car accident,they survived the first world war as she just fourteen,of course she did keep the doll that her mother gave her but one day she begin to lost her sight and her family was horrified by the news. As the girl was feeling ill over the months and are sight didn't improve she was always yell at called a monster by her uncle and aunt,only her sister protected her as she loved her but she was always beaten up by her cousins also by other family members,Annabelle didn't understand why they hated her so much except her sister. As the beating continue she completely lost her side wich she get beaten up and insult that she could take it anyomre and decide to commit suicide as she expected while alive only her sister cried the other didn't,because they say she was crying blood when her tears came out and they we're disgusted by that,but they don't know that she swear revenge on them and posssed her favorite doll. Her family then see her doll move on her own wanted to take revenge on what they done to her,but she then learn that her sister also take her own life after she died,wich make her more angrier and take care of all of the member of the family who was still living,this day people still say they see a doll with blind eyes and blue hair crying blood walking around the old abandoned house.


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