Sumafu Makita
/ Sumafu Makita
Powers: High Leap, Anti-Gravity Gliding, Trickery




Sumafu Makita is an ultimate student at Hope's Peak High and is the Ultimate Smurf. Smurfs are shown to be jolly, cheerful, positive, and each with personalities. Sumafu, however, is waaaay beyond that. He is known to be extremely profane, arrogant, stubborn, vulgar, and reckless. Sumafu hates it when his size is compared to normal peoples size, and hates being called tiny. He can easily get ferocious and snaps very easily. He's also shown to have a tendency of being independent of anybody and would go so far beyond his limits to prove that he can do it, which only ends in failure. Sumafu is stubborn and refuses for help, denying that his physic has limits, and should he fail to prove it would just snap. Sumafu doesn't like being the laughing stock and often avoids others so that he can be alone to himself and so that no one has to make fun of and/or tease him because he's simply tiny. As a side protagonist, Sumafu goes to numerous journeys to escape and fight through situations that he himself gets into and escaping numerous realms and from his obnoxious bullies (who were all prideful, selfish, and of course, obnoxious boys) using his powers, size, and abilities, but not while causing their bodies to expand against them and defeating them at their own homes . Eventually, the outsmarted bullies (all were boys) would eventually feel humiliated and heartbroken due to not only being humiliated by friends, but would also lead them to injure or kill their loved ones due to their rapid body expansion/inflation and how it ends with them going back to normal again as Sumafu's adventure continues, and Sumafu, as he defeats them one by one after his escape, would eventually come towards them and apologize whole-heartedly and feeling extremely guilty. Eventually, as each one he defeats, Sumafu would become sworn brothers with his now former bullies and growing a bond that can never be broken. Sumafu is the son of Xavier and Ruta Makita.




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