Coco’s 1st battle costume
/ Coco’s 1st battle costume




Due to Vriod studio won’t let me transfer the data on my 1st battle costume (lousy thing). When I made Coco’s 1st battle on VRoid model at first on VRoid Mobile, this battle costume had to differ/alter. On how I did this this on the manga series I’ve done. This I how I’ve originally drew her from her 2d drawing of mine. But since I’m still currently new to 3d art, I didn’t know how to make this look as to how I wanted this to be in the 1st place. So for future references, the other two battle costumes (Tro & Nch), will be deleted soon (but if you’re reading this in the past or future, then it’s already happened or not?), and updated when I’ve get there. Additionally this took me 2 days to make so far. Although the hard part was making the hair to move right though. When adjusting the bones in order to make the hair phsycas as accurate as possible in my pov. Furthermore, It was just too hard for me to replicate the same design I did the 1st time I’ve did her battle outfit for the 1st time, on VRoid mobile. That I did this on (which is now deleted), but the main reason why I deleted her 1st outfit I’ve done through Vrm, b/c to I didn’t like her original outfit Chinese version one, I did that’s only give on the VRoid mobile, VRoid studio should fix that. Vrs, should also make it an option to color fill bucket at least. Otherwise making models will take me a while (depending on the character I make, takes me. Though so far anime characters take me a bit longer to make, which is similar to how I draw anime style in 2d). Since I CAN’T use the popoular 3d program blender (since I don’t have a good computer to work for it), I mean I would use my windows but it’s super slow and might crash/not work right. I so need a new desktop or laptop computer but they are expensive. I only have iPhone and IPad Unfortunelty. Well better than nothing. Keep in mind I can’t transfer textures (on some clothes) for me ro make on VRoid mobile to Vrioid Studio. Making costumes will also be another way for me to self-practice, on doing 3d art the more I make 3d models in different outfits too. Expect me to make more fun and erratic/unpredictable costumes! ^_^. Character from “Eddsworld”, but made up the outfit. Art credits:



Donkey しました
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