Soldier Units
/ Name: Agamemnon
Soldiers are known for both combat and battle tactics, using different weapons and wielding shields. Equipping them with a bow and arrow is also good for them, balancing out not just defense but offense as well. Menelaus's Special Ability: Menelaus inflates into a ginormous ball humanoid whenever he gets too angry, and can move farther within range. He stays there and will not take any damage until the next turn, causing him to inflate the second time, where he inflates to his limits and explodes, damaging whatever is within closer or farther range and not only dealing much damage, but also breaking nearby walls and locked doors. Ajax the Great's Special Ability: Thanks to his size, Ajax's offense and defense increases greatly, but decreases his speed and giving him less range.




Agamemnon is a soldier and commander of the Archaean fleet. He is known to be arrogant, stubborn, prideful, cocky, hypocritical, and a complete jerk. Living up to his own pessimistic ways and showing less empathy for others, he can be a cold guy and does whatever he feels is right despite sometimes being in the wrong. It took Menelaus to knock in some senses to Agamemnon, who was requested by Zeus to bring Talrod to him so that he can be executed for releasing Wyrm, the White Dragon, and joining the soldier units under Talrod's command. While he can be aggerating and irritating to handle, he at least shows respect to his allies and enemies.


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