coming in two hundred pounds we have SUPER Sam Star.
Sam Patel is a British superhero with the powers of... just being better than an average person, everything he does is just better than a normal human.
he has the power of 12 men, 3 times as fast as a normal human too. he is 5 times better than a normal human almost at everything, but he does have one distingue power. when his red eyes glow white, his skeleton will conjure out of his body. but he is still able to use his body but is able to command his skeleton to shoot energy blasts at will, at the cost of his own bodily harm.
blood, fat, hair, skin, ETC.
Sam always wanted to be a protector ever since his sister was harmed during a robbery. at 12 he dreamed of becoming a superhero because he was not going to cut it being a police officer. 12 years old is when he found out he was just suddenly better than he normally was, he could outrun street cats, lift a rock covering his old-time capsule, and fight back muggers. he was amazed. then at 12, he did everything he could to try to hone his new power. and for 6 years he became what he wanted to be. SUPER SAM STAR, is kind of cheesy, right? oh well, Sam is a very naive person at heart, a child at heart if you would add. he would sometimes.
Sam Patel even started his own team with some zany people he has found. he has grown fond to them and even is their best friend.
200ポンドで、SUPER Sam Starがあります。
彼は 12 人の男性の力を持ち、通常の人間の 3 倍の速さを持っています。ほとんどすべての点で通常の人間の 5 倍優れていますが、彼には 1 つの際立った力があります。私は持っている。彼の赤い目が白く光るにつれて、彼の骨格が彼の体から現れます。ただし、彼はまだ自分の体を使用できますが、スケルトンに命令して、自分の物理的な害を犠牲にして、自由にエネルギー爆発を発射することができます.
妹が強盗に遭って以来、サムは常に保護者になりたいと思っていました。 12歳の時、彼はスーパーヒーローになることを夢見ていました。 12歳のとき、彼は突然、いつもより元気になった。彼は野良猫を追い越し、古いカプセルを覆っている岩を持ち上げ、強盗をかわすことができました.彼は驚いた 12歳のとき、彼は新しい力を磨くためにできる限りのことをしたそして6年間、彼はなりたい自分になりました。 SUPER SAM STARはちょっと安っぽいですよね?ええと、サムは根っからのとてもナイーブな男で、付け加えれば、根っからの子供です。