Gyuunyuu Makita
/ Gyuunyuu Makita
Age: 18 Species: Cow Race: Japanese Powers: Superhuman Strength, Cow Physiology




Gyuunyuu Makita, simply Gyu, is one of the oldest sons of Xavier and Ruta Makita and a senior at Hope's Peak High. He is known to be gluttonous, comical, comedic, and bro-like. Gyu has been known to hang out with the other jocks, talking about being manly stuff and working out in the gym. However, he also runs away from Moeru Makita, unaware that both are siblings due to being adopted, and constantly persuades and gives chase to get her answers to see if he knows something. Gyu runs from her due to not sharing his family with her out of fear of not knowing her and the fact that he's weirded out not knowing why she knows so much about the Makita family. Even hiding won't work, as she can easily spot him in the crowd. One day, Gyu was normally going on with his day on full speculation of her whereabouts but sees that she's nowhere in sight. The entire day she wasn't there, and a month eventually passes and still no sign of her. This gives Gyu relief that she's gone but feels like somethings wrong. As if he missed an opportunity. 5 weeks passed and Gyu began to feel even more uneasy to the point it's driving him to depression and eventually decides to find out himself, despite the jocks telling him not to since to them it's not manly. He brushes it off and tries to find her. He noticed a girl with pink and red hair lying unconscious, bruised, and bleeding. It was Moeru, who escaped a near death experience from her abusive adopted parents. Panicked, he rushes to her aid and took her to his older brother Cat Makita, Headmaster at Hope's Peak High, and he tends her wounds and bruises. Cat also informed her that both Gyu and her are blood related, implying that both are siblings. Shocked and guilty, Gyu tearfully left the school building that night and returned home to his family. The next day, Gyu stopped talking to the "manly" jocks and avoided them, feeling alone now. Eventually, Rodrigo Mendez, former serial killer and main protagonist, along with Moeru and her best friend Takaijo Jinsen sat next to Gyu at the school beach that was opened minutes ago and all 4 forged a bond with each other, with both Gyu and Moeru catching up for lost times. Both Moeru and Gyuunyuu would eventually have a side story in Clock Tower Side Stories, being one of the choose and select playable characters in their story along with the others.




Annww しました
Lolkittydead しました
Joii しました
Jacob Fuentes しました
Colton Shepard しました
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