Tro’s 2nd Battle Costume
/ Tro’s 2nd Costume (elf)
1st guy Vroid model I’ve ever done on Vroid studio. It was so hard to make this look as I wanted it to be. Couldn’t do elf shoes, due to there was no option for that. Forget that! Besides it’s a costume, not all elf shoes are pointy such as witches’ costumes. The hard part was to attach the bell together with the hat, then I’ve realized you could combine them into groups, by check marking them in the “hairstyle” groups, when using Vroid studio. I am learning quite a lot on 3d art too. By the way, for those who still don’t know where this character is from. He’s underrated from the long popular web series “Eddsworld.” Debuts only in “Eddsworld 20k.” By the way, I wanted to make him look like himself in the cartoon to go more accurate with his model here. Which he turned out so cute too!




I’ve finally learned how to put glitter applied on the vroid studio model. Which took me weeks to figure out! Many tutorials on yt were no help, just few of them, so I had to figure out what would Tro (from “eddsworld” where he debut in “Ew20k.”) would be dressed for halloween. I’ve thought of the Christmas Elf or just a plain elf referencing the “DND” elf race. This took about a week or more estimated. I had to redo this 3 time until I got it right there we go.



AxelHunt しました
Qui-Gon Jinn しました
Rafael Macht しました
空猫 Nilcat しました
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